District 5 - Roberto Zárate

Roberto Zarate

Roberto Zárate, Alamo Colleges Trustee District 5, is a retired educator with more than 36 years experience. He has served on the Alamo Colleges' board for 13 years, since he was appointed to the District 5 seat in August 2003. He was subsequently elected to the seat in May 2004, 并于2012年5月再次当选,任期至2018年5月. 2006年至2008年,他被选为十大网赌正规网址官网董事会主席, and also has held positions as secretary, 学术问责及学生成功委员会副主席兼主席. He currently chairs the Audit, Budget and Finance committee.

In October 2015, Zárate宣誓就职,成为十大网赌正规网址官网的第一位受托人,也是第二位担任社区学院受托人协会(ACCT)董事会主席的西班牙裔。. He will be only the second trustee from Texas to be elected chair. 2014年,他被一致投票选为候任主席,任期将满一年. Zárate还曾担任ACCT董事会副主席和西部地区主席 .

In January 2008, 州长里克·佩里提名Zárate为该州高等教育激励基金特别工作组的成员, which made recommendations to the governor, 副州长兼众议院议长关于实施高等教育激励资金计划的指导方针. Zárate也是德克萨斯州高等教育协调委员会高等教育成本效率咨询委员会的成员. In his role as a trustee, Zárate多次被要求在州立法机关就社区大学问题作证.

Zárate在建立德州社区学院受托人协会(CCATT)方面发挥了重要作用。. 在该组织成立之前,他为所有会议提供了便利,并担任了该组织的第一任主席. 在CCATT成立之前,德克萨斯州没有社区学院的受托人组织.

During his tenure on the board, 十大网赌正规网址官网在学生成功方面取得了重要的里程碑. 这些措施包括将授予的学位和证书数量增加到创纪录的9个,700 degrees and certificates awarded in FY 2015. 这比前一年增长了36%,是德克萨斯州所有社区大学中第二高的数字. Since he joined the board, the Alamo Colleges' many successes also have included: the addition of the Central Texas Technology Center in New Braunfels and the Greater Kerrville Center; the establishment of a successful training partnership with Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Texas; the passage of a $450 million capital improvement project to fund the building of Alamo Colleges – Northeast Lakeview College and the expansion of the four other Alamo Colleges; and the selection of Dr. Bruce Leslie as chancellor. Leslie begins his tenth year with the Alamo Colleges in November.

Zárate教育生涯包括在圣安东尼奥北部学区(NISD)的玛丽赫尔小学担任校长16年. Under his guidance, Mary Hull Elementary was honored as a Texas Recognized School, a Commended Title I School, a Texas Blue Ribbon School and a National Blue Ribbon School. 1999年,它还获得了西班牙杂志模范学校奖.

Zárate的社区参与包括在联合劝募教育问题委员会任职, the Alamo Colleges Foundation Board of Directors, 大克尔维尔教育咨询委员会和德州高等教育协调委员会的持续改进和创新委员会.

Zárate持有圣地亚哥州立大学硕士学位和布朗伍德霍华德佩恩学院学士学位, Texas. 他和他的妻子简·安是一个女儿和三个儿子的父母.

Contact Information

Email: rzarate11@3600151.com
Date First Appointed: August 2003
Date First Elected: May 2004
Current Term: June 2018 - May 2024